donal brown

Healthcare blogs struggle to fill gap in coverage left by mainstream news outlets

Healthcare blogs are contributing much needed information about the complications attendant to health care reform, but it remains to be seen if the blogs can make a difference given the mainstream media focus on personalities and politics. -DB Media Shift September 4, 2009 By Simon Owens Paul Testa recently checked his voicemail and listened to a message from a hospice worker who lives in a conservative district of Ohio. He’d never met or spoken to this

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Obama administration agrees to make White House visitor logs public

To end four lawsuits by a watchdog group, the Obama White House has reversed a policy keeping visitor logs secret now allowing news organizations and others a chance to see who is influencing administration policy on vital issues. -DB USA TODAY September 4, 2009 By Richard Wolf WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration plans to change White House policy by releasing the names of thousands of visitors whose comings and goings traditionally are kept secret by

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Long Beach coalition sues city over alleged Brown Act violation

The Long Beach Coalition for Good Jobs and a Healthy Community claims that the City Council did not accept public comment at a meeting on July 21 during which they approved a 125-room hotel project. The council said they provided for public comment at a council meeting the previous week. -DB Contra Costa Times September 7, 2009 By Karen Robes Meeks LONG BEACH – A coalition is suing the city of Long Beach, alleging that it

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China acts again to control Web site discourse

The Chinese government has issued a secret order requiring Internet users to sign onto news Web sites with their real names and identification numbers adding a new level of surveillance to an already tightly monitored enterprise. -DB The New York Times September 6, 2009 By Jonathan Ansfield BEIJING — News Web sites in China, complying with secret government orders, are requiring that new users log on under their true identities to post comments, a shift in

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Reporters Committee urges 5th Circuit to uphold Texas Open Meetings Act

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has joined with 23 other news media groups to urge the entire 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider its decision by a three judge panel to allow elected officials to talk about public business in secret. The Reporters Committee is arguing that open meeting laws allow the public access to observe and criticize words and actions of elected officials essential in a democracy.-DB The Reporters Committee

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