donal brown

News media asks Supreme Court to review rules prohibiting death row interviews

Twenty-three news organizations have asked the Supreme Court to review federal rules prohibiting in-person interviews that block inmates from informing the press of treatment and conditions. -DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Press Release November 25, 2009 The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press today filed a friend-of-the-court brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review federal rules that prohibit in-person interviews with death row inmates and ban the inmates from telling

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Obama administration working to derail declassification order

The Obama administration wants to delay an order to declassify historical records at least 25 years old to allow government agencies time to review the records. -DB Secrecy News Federation of American Scientists Commentary November 23, 2009 By Steven Aftergood Development of a new executive order on classification of national security information is now proceeding at an accelerated pace in order to preempt a deadline that would require the declassification of millions of pages of historical

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Southern California: Orange County official says Joint Powers Agreement could resolve transparency issue in fairgrounds purchase

The Orange County treasurer is recommending a Joint Powers Agreement between the county and city of Costa Mesa to buy the Orange County Fairground as the best way to guarantee transparency under the Brown Act and satisfy community concerns. -DB Daily Pilot November 20, 2009 By Mona Shadia Orange County Treasurer Chriss Street is recommending that the county enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the city of Costa Mesa to buy the Orange County Fairgrounds.

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Medicare payment data to go onto public Web site

The Center for Medicare is planning to put up information about Medicare payments onto a Web site so that the public can track where the money is going. Some are concerned that this way of ferreting out fraud may also result in invasions of privacy. -DB NextGov November 19, 2009 By Aliya Sternstein The Obama administration plans to launch a Web site in December that the public can use to monitor Medicare payments, but some health

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Alaska still freezing former Governor Sarah Palin’s e-mails

Anchorage Daily News editor Paul Jenkins says that the refusal to release the Palin’s administration’s e-mails in a timely fashion is only the most recent attempt by the Alaska state government to withhold records from the public in defiance of the state’s public records law. -DB Anchorage Daily News Opinion November 14, 2009 By Paul Jenkins Alaska state government is bruising, if not breaking, the law by failing to release in a timely fashion Palin

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