donal brown

New rule allows public access to administrative records of California courts

The California Judicial Council approved a new Rule of Court this week giving the public a right of access to administrative records of Superior and Appellate courts and the Administrative Office of the Courts. The rule will be in effect January of next year and is modeled after the California Public Records Act. -DB Legislative Bulletin California Newspaper Publishers Association Commentary December 16, 2009 At its meeting in San Francisco yesterday, the California Judicial Council

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NYPD must release documents of surveillance of Republican convention protesters

A federal judge ruled that the New York Police Department must release documents showing its surveillance of protesters of the 2004 Republican National Convention. Over 1,800 were arrested during the protests. -DB The New York Times December 14, 2009 NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge has ruled the New York Police Department must release 2,000 pages of documents related to its surveillance of protesters before the 2004 Republican National Convention. Judge Richard Sullivan’s ruling

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Bloomberg bid for records of federal bailout gains support of other news organizations

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 12 other media groups filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the suit to gain access to records of the recent federal bailout of  automobile and financial firms. Bloomberg News sued to obtain records of the $2 trillion emergency lending program. -DB The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press December 15, 2009 By Miranda Fleschert The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press joined 12 other media

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News media copyright policy could limit free speech

A Fellow at The Center for the Internet and Society argues that in trying to protect content, the news media can propose policies that hurt the very First Amendment that they are trying to preserve. -DB The Center for the Internet and Society Stanford Law School Opinion December 10, 2009 By Sarah Hinchliff Pearson It’s nothing new for media organizations to employ lofty rhetoric about the role of the press in democracy to advocate special

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California politicians pay for campaign reporting violations

California’s Fair Political Practices Commission fined a number of political candidates and committees for among other things failing to report contributions and expenses. -DB Courthouse News Service December 15, 2009 By Elizabeth Banicki California political candidates, commissioners and committees were fined from $200 to more than $100,000 for campaign reporting violations, including failing to report contributions and expenses, making decisions despite financial conflicts of interest, and accepting gifts that exceeded annual limits. Steve Westly, a

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