donal brown

Appeals court questions federal arguments in ‘fleeting expletive’ case

In a case pitting Fox television against the Federal Communication Commission, federal appeals judges peppered government lawyers with questions about the constitutionality of FCC rules aimed at indecency. -DB Variety January 13, 2010 By Ted Johnson The broadcast networks opened the latest chapter in their long-fought challenge to the FCC’s indecency enforcement on Wednesday, with Fox attorneys arguing to a federal appeals court that the government’s practices stifle free speech and violate the First Amendment.

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New California student free press law aims to stop prior restraint of student publications in charter schools

The adviser of a high school newspaper in Orange County, California says a revised publication policy at the charter school, the Orange County High School of the Arts, is in conflict with a proposed state law inspired by alleged censorship problems at the school.-DB Student Press Law Center January 13, 2010 By Stefanie Dazio ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. — The high school that inspired a new Senate bill ensuring student free press rights for charter schools

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U.S. looking at issues of internet freedom after alleged Chinese cyberattack on Google accounts

After Google announced this week that hackers had tried to penetrate Gmail accounts in China including those of U.S. financial institutions and defense contractors, the Obama administration is considering their options in maintaining internet freedom. -DB NextGov January 13, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein An alleged cyberattack by the Chinese government into systems operated by Google and other U.S. companies, including federal contractors, has prompted the U.S. government to revisit the complicated issue of Internet freedom.

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San Francisco foundation asks feds to close loopholes allowing industry clamps on free speech

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has asked the Federal Communications Commission to close loopholes in proposed rules on network neutrality that could allow the entertainment industry and law enforcement to curtail free speech and innovation. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation Press Release January 14, 2010 SAN FRANCISCO – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) called on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today to close loopholes in its proposed regulations for network neutrality — loopholes that could let the

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Open government violation claimed in delayed announcement on firing

Supporters of San Leandro Unified School District Superintendent Christine Lim say that the school board fired Lim December 15 in closed meeting but did not announce their move until January 5, a violation of California’s open government laws. The Brown Act requires prompt disclosure of actions taken in closed sessions. -DB The Oakland Tribune January 14, 2010 By Jason Sweeney SAN LEANDRO — “In the Chinese culture, beginnings and endings are important,” Superintendent Christine Lim

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