donal brown

Obama and transparency: In the midst of major gains, some managers resist open government initiatives

For a multitude of reasons, not every official is aggressively embracing President Barack Obama’s open government directives. -DB NextGov Commentary January 21, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein When he took office, President Obama said he wanted agencies to leverage new technologies to open government. One year after the president announced an initiative to open the government, agency leaders have demonstrated a strong track record of embracing emerging media to disclose information, but some mid-level managers have

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Chinese official criticizes Clinton for attacking China’s Internet policies

It didn’t take long for China to vehemently condemn Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s speech on China’s restrictions on the Internet. The official said in a post on the Internet that the speech would damage China-U.S. relations. -DB Congress Daily January 22, 2010 By Juliana Gruenwald A Chinese official Friday blasted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s speech calling for countries to respect the rights of their citizens by allowing the free flow of Information over

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Supreme Court decision on access to jury selection already derails one federal trial

One day after the Supreme court ruled that the public must be allowed into court during jury selection, a federal judge in Dallas declared a mistrial in a case because the jury was selected in a closed session. -DB Politico January 20, 2010 By Josh Gerstein The Supreme Court gets results. Just yesterday morning, the justices issued a 7-2 decision that I described as “an unflinching opinion” insisting that the public must be permitted to

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California’s central valley: Newspaper advises citizens on effective participation in local government

The Modesto Bee has published an editorial advising their readers of their rights to access meetings under the state’s open government law and how to be effective in making their voice heard. -DB The Modesto Bee Editorial January 24, 2010 A prevailing theme on this page is that the public’s business needs to be done in public, every time, all the time. That means public issues should be discussed in an open forum, where the

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Government worker fired for expressing political views loses round in court

An analyst working for the Library of Congress lost a first round in court when the judge refused to issue an order restoring the man to his job. The judge said however that his case was well-founded and that he was likely to prevail. -DB Politico January 20, 2010 A Congressional Research Service analyst who was fired from his job after writing articles critical of the Obama Administration’s plans to continue with military trials for

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