donal brown

Yuba City: Questions arise about possible open government violation in proposed raise for community college chancellor

The Yuba Community College District board may have violated California’s Brown Act which requires the board to hold discussions about salary increases in open session. -DB Daily Democrat Commentary January 28, 2010 By Erin Tracy A decision to approve a salary hike for the Yuba Community College District chancellor might be considered insult to injury for those impacted by budget cuts, but is also an apparent violation of the Brown Act. At its Jan. 20 meeting,

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Ukiah: Supervisors consider appointing ad-hoc committee on retiree health insurance

The County Board of Supervisors is considering appointing an ad-hoc committee to consider ways to preserve health benefits for retirees but some supervisors think the issue is too important to discuss  behind closed doors. -DB The Ukiah Daily Journal January 27, 2010 By Tiffany Revelle Conflict about forming an ad-hoc committee to study available choices was the sticking point in a Tuesday debate about how to preserve health benefits for county retirees. Supervisor John McCowen’s

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Open government laws seen as benefit rather than burden

An attorney and newly elected member of the Modesto Schools board sets out the benefits of complying with California’s open meeting laws including the value of hearing a wide range of views from other members of the public bodies and from the public itself. -DB Modesto Bee January 27, 2010 By Ruben Villalobos For more than 50 years, local public agencies in California have been guided by the principles of open government and transparency established

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Pleasant Hill: Citizens allege open government violations in approval of drug rehab center

A citizens group has challenged the Pleasant Hill City Council after they approved a drug rehabilitation center this week, alleging that the city restricted public comment at a crucial Planning Commission meeting and provided improper notice of a subsequent hearing. -DB Contra Costa Times January 26, 2010 By Lisa P. White PLEASANT HILL, Calif. — Although the City Council on Tuesday approved an alcohol and drug rehabilitation center, concerns remain about how the city handled

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Senate rejects proposal for commission of inquiry on torture

Senator Patrick Leahy was unable to obtain the bipartisan consensus he said was essential to conduct a senate investigation of Bush administration conduct on terrorism including detention, rendition and interrogation. -DB Secrecy News Federation of American Scientists Commentary January 26, 2010 By Steven Aftergood Last year the Senate Judiciary Committee considered a proposal by Senator Patrick Leahy to establish a formal “commission of inquiry” that would investigate the conduct of the post-9/11 war on terrorism,

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