donal brown

Transparency: Environmental Protection Agency launches model web site

Transparency activists are expressing their approval of the EPA’s new site, the Rulemaking Gateway, that provides information about regulatory actions such as the control of greenhouse gas emissions in large vehicles. -db NextGov February 19, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein As more agencies deploy online score cards that publicly chart the progress of specific missions, the Environmental Protection Agency’s new Web site for tracking rulemaking could be a model, some government transparency activists say. EPA launched

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Student protests at speech of Israeli ambassador at California campus raise free speech issues

After eleven students at UC Irvine were arrested Feb. 8 for repeatedly interrupting a speech by the Israeli ambassador to the United States, debate centered on the question of whose free speech rights should prevail, those of the hecklers or that of the invited speaker. -db Inside Higher Ed February 17, 2010 By Scott Jaschik Every few minutes during a talk last week at the University of California at Irvine, the same thing happened. A

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Judge allows suit to go forward on student Facebook posting

A Florida student is suing her principal for suspending her after she posted a Facebook page calling her Advanced Placement teacher “the worst teacher I’ve ever met.” -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press February 17, 2010 By Amanda Becker A federal magistrate said this week that a former Florida high school student who was suspended for criticizing her teacher on Facebook can proceed with a lawsuit against the principal who suspended her,

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Seattle: Photographer falls into legal soup with photo of public art

You would think that a sculpture commissioned with public funds and displayed in a public place could be photographed and the photo published, but Mike Hipple found himself sued by the sculptor who claims the exclusive right to reproduce the work and create derivative work from it. -db Suffolk Media Law Commentary February 17, 2010 By Justin Silverman To photographer Mike Hipple, the claim is baseless. The photo he took about 10 years ago of a

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Local education activist sues Alameda unified schools

The founder of Alameda Concerned Parents is suing the Alameda Unified School District for violations of the state’s open government law, the Brown Act. -db San Francisco Chronicle Opinion February 18, 2010 By Susan Davis This just in — Kerry Cook, founder of Alameda Concerned Parents, which protested Lesson 9 last spring and fall — is now suing the Alameda Unified School District, as well as its Board of Education, for Brown Act violations alleged

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