donal brown

First Amendment: Employment screener may pass on info from database of sex offenders

A California appeals court ruled that, under the First Amendment, an employment-screening service could access the state’s database of registered sex offenders and pass that information on to its clients. The law establishing the website prohibits the use of the posted information for purposes related to employment. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise March 25, 2010 By Sherri M. Okamoto An employment-screening business may provide information garnered from California’s online database of registered sex offenders to its clients,

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Defense Department fails to make case for revealing contractors’ quality control information

A federal court sided with defense contractors against the Defense Department in blocking the release of information about quality of control processes that the defense contractors said were trade secrets. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press March 25, 2010 By Nadia Tamez-Robledo A federal appeals court yesterday ruled in favor of two defense contractors seeking to stop the government from releasing information about their quality control processes on the grounds that the

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Cleveland newspaper causes stir by unmasking anonymous poster – a judge

In revealing the identity of a person posting comments on their site under the moniker “lawmiss”, the Cleveland Plain Dealer believed that the public’s right to know outweighed the importance of protecting the privacy of anonymous commentators. The “lawmiss” postings, it turned out, came from the e-mail address of a judge. -db The Plain Dealer March 26, 2010 By Henry J. Gomez CLEVELAND, Ohio — By unmasking an anonymous poster at its companion Web site,

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Washington state high school newspaper goes to court over oral sex story

High school students are suing their school district asking for millions of dollars in damages claiming that they never gave their consent to having their comments, names and sexual histories in a story in the school newspaper about oral sex. The district clams the students did consent and only changed their minds after their parent objected. -db The News Tribune March 25, 2010 By Adam Lynn TACOMA, Wash. — A trial began in Pierce County

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University of Chicago censors student facebook post

Continuing a practice of monitoring and censoring student posts on social media, the University of Chicago forced a student to delete comments about a professor from his private Facebook page. -db FIRE Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Commentary March 24, 2010 CHICAGO — For the second time in two years, the University of Chicago has censored a student’s post on a private Facebook page. Undergraduate Joseph “Tex” Dozier posted a joke that he had

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