donal brown

Former Pfizer research scientist awarded $1.37 million in whistle blower suit

A federal jury awarded a former Pfizer research scientist $1.37 million in damages after she was fired for claiming publicly  that she was sickened by a genetically engineered virus while working for the company. The decision rested not on whether the scientist was actually sickened by the virus but on the evidence that Pfizer had violated her free speech rights. -db The New York Times April 2, 2010 By Andrew Pollack and Duff Wilson A federal

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States move to exclude 911 recordings from public record

Noting a trend to keep 911 records from the public, Citizen Media Law Project blogger Justin Silverman argues that there is a compelling public interest in allowing access to the records in the interest of shining light on the performance of public safety officers . He says laws can guarantee access and still protect the identity of those deserving privacy. -db Citizen Media Law Project Commentary April 1, 2010 By Justin Silverman When a grizzly

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California Supreme Court to hear First Amendment case on threats to witnesses

The California Supreme Court agreed to hear a First Amendment challenge to a law making it a crime to threaten retaliation against a witness. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise March 31, 2010 By Kenneth Ofgang The California Supreme Court unanimously agreed yesterday to hear a First Amendment overbreadth challenge to a statute making it a crime to threaten retaliation against a witness. The justices, at their weekly conference in San Francisco, granted review in People v. Lowery

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Federal judge dismisses secrets privilege in ruling wiretapping of Islamic charity illegal

A federal judge ruled that the Bush administration’s wiretapping of an Islamic charity in Oregon was illegal and should have been subjected to independent court review. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise April 1, 2010 From Staff and Wire Service Reports In a repudiation of the Bush administration’s now-defunct Terrorist Surveillance Program, a federal judge ruled yesterday that government investigators illegally wiretapped the phone conversations of an Islamic charity and two American lawyers without a search warrant. U.S.

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Yahoo News adds heft to online news operation

Yahoo has opened a bureau in Washington, D.C. and expanded their news staff to increase its original content and, it hopes, its viewers. -db The New York Times March 30, 2010 By Miguel Helft SAN FRANCISCO — Yahoo has recruited nearly a dozen journalists from traditional and online media outlets and opened a bureau in Washington to push into original content and increase the popularity of its online news site. The journalists joining Yahoo News,

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