donal brown

Supreme Court to consider California law barring sales of violent video games to minors

After the Ninth Circuit Appeals Court found California’s law banning the sale of violent video games to minors a violation of the First Amendment, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court who agreed to hear the case in the next session beginning in October. State Senator Leland Yee, know for defending the First Amendment and open government, had sponsored the law. -db Joystiq Analysis April 26, 2010 By Ben Gilbert The U.S. Supreme

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California: Manager for nun’s infirmary sues after fired for whistle blowing

A manager for the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Midwest Community claims she was fired for reporting that a nun who refused to supply her nursing license allegedly administrated morphine on her own authority effectively euthanizing patients. -db Courthouse News Service April 26, 2010 By Maria Dinzeo SACRAMENTO (CN) – A manager claims the Sisters of Mercy fired her for reporting well-founded suspicions that a nun took morphine and euthanized patients while working as an unlicensed

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California: Journalist arrested for attempting to videotape public meeting on marine life protection

A Fish and Game warden arrested a journalist for videotaping a meeting of a state agency created to protect the ocean from pollution and development.  -db North Coast April 25, 2010 By John Lewallen Independent video journalist David Gurney has a powerful sense of duty: to create a video record of the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative (MLPAI), and to speak politely and in turn at public MLPA meetings. David Gurney was forcibly removed by

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Yolo County: Request made for full disclosure of details of shooting incident

A watchdog group has requested that the District Attorney release to the public the full report on their investigation in the case of the shooting of Luis Gutierrez. The group specifically wants to know if a sheriff deputy put a gun to a nine-year-old girl’s head during the incident. -db Yolo Judicial Watch Commentary April 24, 2010 By David Greenwald Let me be honest here and say that I am frustrated with the way our

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L.A. City Council watchdog alleges electricity rates boosted without legal notice

A Los Angeles citizen has claimed that the city council passed electricity rate hikes without 72 hours notice required under the Brown Act, California’s open meeting law. -db LA Weekly April 23, 2010 By Dennis Romero ​Longtime City Council gadfly Joyce Dillard has sent letters to council president Eric Garcetti and City Attorney Carmen Trutanich alleging that the city illegally passed its electricity rate hikes last week without proper public notice — 72 hours in

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