donal brown

News organizations want open hearings over West Virginia mine deaths

Eight news organizations and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has asked the Mine Safety and Health Administration to conduct open hearings about the mne disaster that killed 25 miners in early this month. -db Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Press Release April 27, 2010 The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and eight news organizations today sent a letter urging the Mine Safety and Health Administration to conduct public

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Same-sex marriage referendum: Supreme Court justices voice skepticism about keeping signatures private

In hearing arguments about keeping referendum signatures private in a referendum to repeal Washington’s domestic partnership law, several justices appeared unsympathetic to arguments of the attorney opposing making the signatures public. -db Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press April 28, 2010 By Mara Zimmerman The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared skeptical of the argument that signatures on a referendum to repeal Washington state’s domestic partnership law should be kept private. The court heard

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South coast: Solvang looks for way to avoid open meeting law

The Solvang City Council doesn’t want to burden citizens with the paperwork required if the economic-development committee is governed by the Brown Act, California’s open meeting law, so is considering forming the committee with only two council members. -db Santa Ynez Valley News April 28, 2010 By Dave Bemis The Solvang City Council hit a speed bump Monday night in trying to form an official economic-development advisory body, but quickly maneuvered around the obstacle. The

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Central Valley: Firing of Patterson city manager may have happened without proper public notice

The Patterson City Council posted a closed session as “City Manager Evaluation” but ended up firing him, raising the question of whether the session was conducted in compliance with California’s public meeting law. -db Patterson Irrigator Apr 28, 2010 By Amanda Matthews The Patterson City Council might have violated the Ralph M. Brown Act, a public meeting law, when it adjourned to closed session last week and emerged with a decision to terminate City Manager

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Free speech: University of Wisconsin reverses decision to close down panel of antiwar speakers

Citing procedural and security issues, the University of Wisconsin shut down a panel of speakers but reversed itself after conferring with attorneys. -db FIRE Commentary April 26, 2010 By Adam Kissel After cancelling a panel of antiwar speakers last Friday, University of Wisconsin – Madison (UW) has reversed its decision, and the event will proceed tonight as planned. The university also will not charge an unconstitutional security fee to any of the student or academic

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