donal brown

Cal State Stanislaus admits to possessing Palin speech documents

After saying they had no records pertaining to Sarah Palin’s contract for a speech at a fundraising event, officials at California State University Stanislaus copped to possessing “800 to 900” documents. -db California Watch May 5, 2010 By Lance Williams Is the open government ruckus over Sarah Palin’s speaking fee in Turlock sputtering toward a conclusion? Terry Francke of Californians Aware, the First Amendment group that is trying to pry loose a copy of Palin’s

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Journalist files suit over arrest at Republican National Convention

Radio host Amy goodman has filed suit in federal court against public agencies stemming from her arrest while covering protests outside the Republican National Convention. -db Minnesota Public Radio May 5, 2010 By Tim Nelson St. Paul, Minn. — New York-based radio host Amy Goodman is filing suit Wednesday in federal court against officials in Minnesota stemming from her arrest during the Republican National Convention two years ago. Goodman is host of “Democracy Now!,” a

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Orange County: Open government group challenges city on alleged Brown Act violation

Californians Aware has sent a letter to Westminster claiming that the City Council took action on an item outside of public meetings and without proper public notice. -db Opinion May 6, 2010 By Chris Prevatt On Monday, May 3, 2010, Richard McKee acting on behalf of Californians Aware submitted a letter to the city of Westminster demanding that they rescind their action (the circulation of a joint letter signed by Council members Diep, Quach,

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Federal court voids injunction on ‘Catcher in the Rye’ sequel

A federal appeals court vacated a lower court’s injunction on the publication of a sequel to “Catcher in the Rye” without ruling on the issue of whether the injunction constituted unlawful prior restraint on speech. -db The New York Times April 30, 2010 By Dave Itzkoff A United States appeals court on Friday vacated a lower court’s order to enjoin the publication of a novel described as a sequel to J. D. Salinger’s “Catcher in the Rye.”

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UN sees freedom of information as crucial in promoting justice, development and democracy

In marking World Press Freedom Day, top United Nations officials condemned the killing of journalists, 77 last year, and called for countries to protect those working in the media. -db UN News Centre May 3, 2010 Marking the annual World Press Freedom Day, top United Nations officials have called for promoting the universal right to publicly-held information as well as ensuring the safety of all those who work in the media. “Some journalists risk intimidation,

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