donal brown

New Jersey: Free speech advocates contest school ban on gay anthology

A conservative group has succeeded in convincing the Rancocas Valley Regional High School to remove an acclaimed anthology on teenage homosexuality from the library on the grounds that the anthology was vulgar, obscene and inappropriate. -db The Guardian May 10, 2010 By Alison Flood American free speech organisations are fighting a decision by a New Jersey school to remove a critically acclaimed anthology of writing about teenage homosexuality from library shelves after parents described it

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Prosecutors claim disclosure in Gizmodo/iPhone case would compromise informants’ identity

Prosecutors investigating Gizmodo’s acquiring a prototype iPhone say  that to protect the identity of informants it was necessary to deny news outlets access to the search warrant affidavit that led to confiscation of an editor’s computers in his home. -db Wired May 10, 2010 By David Kravets California prosecutors investigating Gizmodo’s purchase of a prototype iPhone have offered a new argument for keeping details of the probe a secret: Public disclosure could compromise “the identity

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California law creates more transparency on campaign money

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a law lowing the monetary threshold for political candidates, lobbying firms and others to file financial disclosure records online. The new threshold for cumulative contributions is $25,000, down from $50,000. -db Sacramento Bee May 10, 2010 By Jim Sanders Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed legislation to lower the monetary threshold at which state candidates, lobbying firms and others must file financial disclosures online to the secretary of state’s office.

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Liberty Bell entrance a testing grounds for free speech rights

The federal court, the National Park Service, free speech rights groups and special interest groups have been joustling over reasonable limits on free speech activities in front of the Liberty Bell entrance in Philadelphia. -db Philadelphia Inquirer Anaylsis May 9, 2010 By Nathan Gorenstein How much liberty are you entitled to on the sidewalk that leads to the Liberty Bell? Defining freedom has turned out to be no simple thing at what might be considered

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In tradeoff Federal Reserve yields to pressure for greater transparency

A consensus has emerged in the Senate to allow the Federal Reserve to retain its powers to set interests rates but in return the Fed must submit to additional audits by the General Accounting Office. -db The New York Times May 10, 2010 By Sewell Chan The Federal Reserve appears to have succeeded in fending off a challenge to the autonomy of its monetary policy decisions, but it is likely to face greater scrutiny of

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