donal brown

Open government movement seen as way to engage private sector companies to improve government services

Tech book publisher Tim O’Reilly thinks that with greater openness in government, private sector companies will deliver software, services and applications to provide new and improved services at a lower cost to the public and in the process shrink the size of government. -db InformationWeek Opinion May 24, 2010 By John Foley Tim O’Reilly is raising the bar on what he envisions for the open government movement. At this week’s Gov 2.0 Expo in Washington,

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Investment bank loses fight to keep criticism off website

A federal judge rejected an investment firm’s claim that remarks posted online critical of their business and in particular their telemarketing calls were not only defamatory but were also trademark dilutions. The judge ruled that the remarks were protected by the First Amendment and that the firm could not hold the website operators, 800Notes and WhoCallsMe, responsible for comments posted by the public on its sites. -db Consumer Law & Policy Blog Commentary May 10,

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Former FBI employee gets prison term for leaking classified document to blogger

A former FBI linguist was sentenced to twenty months in jail for leaking classified documents to an unidentified blogger. The linguist admitted using poor judgment but said he was not motivated by selfish interests but felt he acted in the best interests of the American people. -db Secrecy News May 25, 2010 By Steven Aftergood Shamai Leibowitz, a former FBI contract linguist, was sentenced yesterday to twenty months in jail for having unlawfully disclosed classified

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Prop. 8 supporters oppose cameras in court for final arguments

A lawyer for the Prop. 8 campaign committee sent a letter to the federal judge hearing the lawsuit challenging the proposition arguing that a broadcast of the closing arguments set for June 16 would have negative effects on the judge including making him avoid unpopular decisions. -db San Francisco Chronicle May 25, 2010 By Bob Egelko Sponsors of California’s ban on same-sex marriage opposed televising next month’s final arguments in the Proposition 8 trial Monday

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Congresswoman offers key amendment for bill requiring disclosure of corporate and union campaign expenditures

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, Representative Susan Davis has proposed an amendment to strengthen a new law to require disclosure of campaign expenditures by special interests. The amendment would require mandatory disclosure reports to be filed electronically with the Federal Elections Commission so they could be posted expeditiously on their website. -db Sunlight Foundation Commentary May 20, 2010 By Lisa Rosenberg Sunlight is pleased that Rep. Susan Davis is offering

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