donal brown

Fired for Facebook protest, worker sues for sexual harassment

A medical technician is seeking damages for civil rights violations, sexual harassment, and assault and battery after her supervisor allegedly harassed and assaulted her. She was fired shortly after a Facebook posting saying her boss need to “keep his creepy hands off” her. -db Courthouse News Service June 1, 2010 By Joe Harris TOPEKA, Kan. (CN) – A medical technician claims she was fired after posting on Facebook that her boss needed to “keep his

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Public interest groups ask U.S. Supreme Court to overturn ruling they claim detrimental to Freedom of Information Act

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press joined other public interest groups in filing a brief asking the Supreme Court to overturn a Third Circuit opinion that would extend privacy rights to corporations, potentially limiting investigations into such disasters as the West Virginia mining deaths and the gulf oil spill. -db Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Press Release May 27, 2010 The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press joined a friend-of-the-court

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National anti-SLAPP law under consideration in Congress

Congress is considering a national law to protect citizens against baseless defamation suits filed by business or governments to prevent criticism. The stakes are higher in the Internet era when a critical comment about an individual or business posted online can garner widespread attention. -db The New York Times May 31, 2010 By Dan Frosch After a towing company hauled Justin Kurtz’s car from his apartment complex parking lot, despite his permit to park there,

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Orange County court denies Sierra Club low cost access to parcel map system

An Orange County Superior Court judge ruled in a lawsuit brought by the Sierra Club  that the California Public Records Act (CPRA)  did not require the county to provide its Landbase parcel map system at little or no cost. In a ruling last year a state appeals court ruled in a First Amendment Coalition lawsuit that Santa Clara County had to release its parcel map system under the CPRA. -db The Orange County Register May

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Civil liberties groups tell Congress Internet censorship no solution to curbing terrorism

Civil liberties advocates testified to a House committee on terrorism that the government should use the Internet to track terrorist threats but that to censor websites would be counterproductive. -db NextGov May 26, 2010 By Jill R. Aitoro Federal authorities should rely on the Internet to identify and track terrorist threats and to launch counterterrorism campaigns, but not censor websites as a means to quell online recruitment by extremist groups, civil liberty advocates told a

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