donal brown

Transparency presents challenges for citizens

Nick Judd of techPresident writes that open data alone does not allow the public to participate meaningfully. The citizenry needs training in assessing the reliability of  data and also in interpreting it. -db techPresident May 26, 2010 By Nick Judd This morning, danah boyd summed up the problem with the open data movement in a simple declarative statement: “Transparency alone is not the great equalizer.” Delivering a short keynote at the Gov 2.0 Expo here

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First Amendment: State attorneys general sign ‘friend of court’ brief in Marine funeral case

Nearly every state in the union is backing the family of a Marine in a Supreme Court case pitting the rights of the Westboro Baptist Church to picket their son’s funeral against the family’s right to privacy. -db ABC News May 31, 2010 By Devin Dwyer WASHINGTON, D.C. – Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia are backing the family of fallen Marine Matthew Snyder in a pending U.S. Supreme Court case that could decide

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First Amendment: State attorneys general sign ‘friend of court’ brief in Marine funeral suit

Nearly every state in the union is backing the family of a Marine in a Supreme Court case pitting the rights of the Westboro Baptist Church to picket their son’s funeral against the family’s right to privacy. -db ABC News May 31, 2010 By Devin Dwyer WASHINGTON, D.C. – Forty-eight states and the District of Columbia are backing the family of fallen Marine Matthew Snyder in a pending U.S. Supreme Court case that could decide

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Family sues claiming rosary isn’t gang attire

The family of a New York seventh grader sued in federal court after the boy was suspended for wearing a rosary the school authorities claimed was beaded jewelry and thereby gang-related. -db Courthouse News Service June 3, 2010 By Barbara Leonard ALBANY, N.Y. (CN) – A Schenectady public school suspended a boy from seventh grade for wearing a rosary, because the school considers beaded jewelry “gang-related,” the boy’s family claims in Federal Court. The boy

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Defense Department clarifies policy on opening fundamental research

To discourage endemic secrecy for military research, the Defense Department reaffirmed a Reagan administration policy that the products of fundamental research should be presumed open unless nation security required them to be classified. -db Secrecy News June 3, 2010 By Steven Aftergood In a move that may help to discourage habitual secrecy in military-funded research, the Department of Defense last week reaffirmed a Reagan-era policy that the products of fundamental scientific research should normally be

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