donal brown

Northern California: College trustee accuses professors of open meeting violation

A college of the Redwoods trustee has alleged that the Academic Senate violated California’s open meeting law, the Brown Act, by holding secret meetings. The salvo is part of an ongoing dispute between the professors and the trustees over budget cuts. -db The North Coast Journal June 24, 2010 By Ryan Burns College of the Redwoods Trustee George Truett this week sent a letter to District Attorney Paul Gallegos — and matching ones to the

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Supreme Court rules names on anti-gay petition can be made public

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled for public disclosure of names on a petition to overturn a gay rights law in Washington state. Those for disclosure say it is an important victory for the public’s right to check signatures and to discover who are supporting particular political stances. -db June 24, 2010 By Chris Grygiel The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the names of people who signed petitions in an attempt to overturn a new

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Sunnyvale: Grand Jury claimed city council violated state open meeting law

A Santa Clara County grand jury reported that the Sunnyvale City Council violated the Brown Act, California’s open government law by appointing an interim council member in 2009 without providing adequate public notice. -db San Jose Mercury News June 22, 2010 By John dugan The Sunnyvale City Council violated the Brown Act, California’s open government policy, when it appointed an interim council member in 2009 without providing proper notice to the public, according to a

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First Amendment: Enron’s Skilling wins partial victory, loses on pre-trial publicity

While opening the door to a new trial for former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, in a 6-3 vote the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Skilling’s argument that pre-trial publicity made a free trial impossible. -db The New York Times June 24, 2010 By Adam Liptak WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ruling for two prominent corporate executives in prison for fraud, the Supreme Court on Thursday dramatically narrowed the scope of a law often used by federal prosecutors in

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Fake news reports a growing trend in political campaigns

In striving to regain his old post, former Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. is routinely churning out fake news clips with the feel of actual news reports. -db Washington Post June 22, 2010 By John Wagner As viewers watch scenes from a Little League baseball game, a familiar face appears to tell them that former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. routinely steps off the campaign trail to watch his 10-year-old son play. “Family first

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