donal brown

Chemical security bills lack provisions for transparency

Two chemical facility security bills introduced in the U.S. senate are designed to reduce the consequences of accident or attack on chemical plants and drinking water facilities but fail to provide for accountability and transparency to ensure safety says OMB Watch. -db Chemical security bills lack provisions for transparency OMB Watch Commentary July 27, 2010 Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) has introduced two related chemical facility security bills that would reduce the consequences of a catastrophic

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Free speech: Colombian journalist barred from the U.S. receives visa

The ACLU has called for the end to excluding visitors to the United States on ideological grounds as the State Department reversed a decision by the U.S. Columbian embassy blocking Hollman Morris from traveling to the U.S. to participate in the Nieman fellowship program at Harvard University. -db Free speech: Columbian journalist previously barred from the U.S. receives visa American Civil Liberties Union Press Release July 27, 2010 NEW YORK – A prominent Colombian

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Local judge blocks law journal from publishing information obtained legally

A District of Columbia Superior Court judge switched course and ruled the National Law Journal could not publish information in a fee dispute even after it obtained the information through public court documents before the judge decided to seal them. -db Local judge blocks law journal from publishing information obtained legally The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press July 26, 2010 By Mara Zimmerman The National Law Journal has been prohibited by court

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Alameda: Councilwoman asks DA to close investigation of alleged open meeting violation

Through her attorney, an Alameda city councilwoman has asked the Alameda County District Attorney to drop its inquiry into her alleged leaks of confidential information in violation of California’s open meeting law. -db Alameda: Attorney for councilwoman asks DA to close investigation of alleged open meeting violation The Island July 27, 2910 By Michele Ellson City Councilwoman Lena Tam’s attorney has asked the Alameda County District Attorney to close its inquiry into allegations that Tam

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Southern California: Alleged Brown Act violation by school district during teleconferencing

The Orange Unified School District board of trustees has allegedly violated the Brown Act, California’s open meeting act in failing to observe the rules governing teleconferencing votes. According to the act, all votes during teleconference must be rollcall votes. -db Greater Orange News Service July 26, 2010 With Trustee Kim Nichols participating in the June 10, 2010 OUSD Board meeting by teleconference from Memphis Tennessee, the OUSD Board voted by illegal voice vote on several

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