donal brown

Senate works to exclude leaked war documents from federal shield law

In reaction to Wikileaks’ publication of Afghanistan war documents, Senators Charles Schumer and Dianne Feinstein are amending the proposed federal shield law to exclude websites that publish leaked government documents without editorial comment. -db Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press August 4, 2010 By Cristina Abello Legislators are amending the federal shield bill, which was passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee in December 2009 but not yet brought up on the floor of the

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Editorial: California bill to seal autopsy reports not in public’s interest

A Los Angeles Times editorial argues that a bill in the California legislature to grant families of murdered children the power to keep autopsy reports sealed would prevent public scrutiny that could improve the criminal justice system and protect families. -db Los Angeles Times Editorial August 3, 2010 California lawmakers should reject a bill that would give families of murdered children the power to keep autopsy reports sealed from public view. Although the desire to

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Morgan Hill mayor denies violating Brown Act

A citizen accused the Morgan Hill mayor of violating California’s open meeting law when the mayor refused to allow him to speak during a recent city council meeting. The mayor said the man couldn’t speak because he did not fill out a speaker card and give it to the clerk at the start of the meeting. -db Morgan Hill Times August 3, 2010 By Michael Moore Morgan Hill Mayor Steve Tate said he did not

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Public seeks access to Oceano Dunes pollution reduction committees

The Air Pollution Control District Board established two committees to develop a plan for the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area but said according to the county counsel, the committee meetings would be closed to the public as they worked out how to reduce emissions contributing to pollution in the area. -db New Times July 28, 2010 By Matt Fountain When it comes to the often contentious battle over off-roading at the Oceano Dunes, residents

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Cyberbullying case gets no traction in New York state

A New York state judge has ruled that cyberbullying does not constitute defamation and dismissed her suit against her high school classmates who wrote scurrilous statements about her on FaceBook. -db Cyberbullying case gets no traction in New York state Online Media Daily July 26, 2010 By Wendy Davis Writing that a classmate contracted a sexually transmitted disease and morphed into the devil might be a form of “cyberbullying,” but does not constitute defamation. That’s

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