donal brown

Texas cities blocked from joining suit against state’s open meetings law

A federal judge ruled that a group of Texas cities cannot join in the suit to overturn the state’s open meetings law because the cities have no guarantee of free speech. Seventeen public officials are challenging the constitutionality of the law that forbids a quorum deliberting behind closed doors. -db Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press August 5, 2010 By Miranda Fleschert A federal judge ruled last week that a group of Texas cities

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San Diego County: Advisory groups in unincorporated areas must comply with California open meeting laws

A California state agency has informed San Diego County that its advisory group members in unincorporated areas were public officials and must comply with state laws governing officials including open meetings laws. The County has established a number of advisory groups to tap local knowledge in setting policies.-db Ramona Sentinel August 9, 2010 By Karen Brainard San Diego County is reconsidering the structure of planning and sponsor groups in unincorporated areas after notification from the

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Free speech: Federal court rules woman obstructed police through profanities

The 8th Circuit appeals court ruled that a woman’s profanities obstructed officers in their quest to arrest her son when her words distracted police dogs searching the son’s truck. -db Courthouse News Service August 5, 2010 By Matthew Reynolds (CN) – The 8th Circuit has reinstated a Springfield, Mo., ordinance allowing police officers to jail a mother for berating them as they arrested her son outside her home. The ordinance banned people from resisting or

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Free press: Judge bans Los Angeles Times photographer from publishing courtroom photos

A judge approved a written request to photograph a murder suspect but when reminded in court about a prior order banning photography ordered the photographer not to publish his photos. -db Los Angeles Times August 5, 2010 By Andrew Blankstein A judge issued an unusual order Wednesday in which she told a newspaper photographer not to publish pictures after granting him permission to take them. Legal experts said prohibiting publication of an image that a

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Performance reviews of federal contractors go online

A new law requires the Office of Management and Budget to publish contractor integrity information online. -db NextGov August 4, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein A bill President Obama recently signed requires the Office of Management and Budget to disclose on a public website contractor integrity information housed in a new vendor performance database, reversing a recent decision by the Defense Department to block public access to the entire database. The supplemental appropriations bill (H.R. 4899),

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