donal brown

California appeals court upholds conviction for fake e-mails

A California appeals court showed little sympathy for a woman who sent fake e-mails to herself in an attempt to influence a court proceeding in a family law dispute. -db Technology & Marketing Law Blog August 08, 2010 By Venkat People v. Heeter, B213696 (Cal. Ct. App.) (Aug. 2, 2010) Background: In a criminal prosecution stemming from false evidence used in a family law dispute, a defendant was convicted of sending fake emails to herself

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Great Britain: Oil firms may sue for false rumors on websites

Two small British oil firms say they are not after legitimate anonymous postings but want to rein in postings on private investor websites that contain “calculated lies”  that manipulate share prices. -db Yahoo! News August 9, 2010 By Myles Neligan and Rhys Jones (Reuters) Two small British oil firms on Monday said they were considering legal action against individuals they accuse of spreading false rumours about them on popular private investor websites. Nighthawk Energy and

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WikiLeaks case shows need for federal shield law for reporters

The Cincinnati Enquirer argues that the federal shield law now in Congress, while providing for national security and fair trials, will strengthen the media in its quest to hold government and other powerful entities accountability and make it less likely that sources go to “fringe entities” such as WikiLeaks to protect their anonymity. -db Cincinnati Enquirer Editorial August 6, 2010 On the surface, it might seem that the recent WikiLeaks scandal, which involved classified military

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California state senator proposes law to outlaw malicious online impersonation

In the wake of a disturbing e-mail falsely attributed to a Silicon Valley leader, A California state senator is introducing a law to make malicious e-mail impersonations a misdemeanor. -db San Francisco Chronicle August 9, 2010 By Alejandro Martínez-Cabrera Two months ago, a San Jose Mercury News reporter received a profanity-laced e-mail critical of one of her stories. More than a year before, a similar e-mail was sent to a long mailing list of hundreds

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California appeals court rules suit blocks legitimate free speech activity

A California state appeals court dismissed a suit against a filmmaker on the grounds that the suit was a SLAPP or strategic lawsuit against public participation. The court said the documentary film in question was a matter of public interest and an “activity in furtherance of the right to free speech.” -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise August 9, 2010 By Steven M. Ellis This district’s Court of Appeal on Friday threw out a lawsuit against the studio

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