donal brown

London newspaper hacks private voice mails of royalty and other famous people

Recent lawsuits have revealed that one of Rupert Murdoch’s London newspapers routinely hacked into the private voice mails of members of the royal family and other notable public figures to satisfy the public’s insatiable appetite for gossip. -db The New York Times Magazine September 5, 2010 By Don Van Nattat Jr., Jo Becker, and Graham Bowley IN NOVEMBER 2005, three senior aides to Britain’s royal family noticed odd things happening on their mobile phones. Messages

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Defense Department clamps down on employee contacts with media

The Department of Defense is stepping up efforts to limit employee contact with the media unless monitored and approved by its public affairs officials. -db Secrecy News Commentary September 7, 2010 By Steven Aftergood The Department of Defense last week increased its efforts to require that Department contacts with the media be monitored and approved by DoD public affairs officials. “I am asking the heads of the Military Services, the Joint Staff and the Combatant

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Digital rights groups rise to Craigslist’s defense in case over harassing posts

A coalition of digital rights groups and law professors have joined to argue in California appellate court that a superior court erred in allowing a man to sue Craigslist for failing to removed harassing posts by its users. -db Online Media Daily September 3, 2010 By Wendy Davis A recent court ruling allowing a California man to sue Craigslist over harassing posts threatens free speech online, a coalition of digital rights groups and law professors are

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ACLU contends government overreaching in laptop search policy at borders

With two other groups, the American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Department of Homeland Security over its practice of searching, copying and detaining electronic devices at borders without reasonable suspicion. -db American Civil Liberties Union Press Release September 7, 2010 NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union, the New York Civil Liberties Union and the National Association of Criminal Defense Layers (NACDL) today filed a lawsuit challenging the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS)

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Chula Vista school board: Pre-meeting sessions raise questions about open meeting violations

The Chula Vista Elementary school board says that their gatherings before board meetings in the superintendent’s office to eat take-out food and to ask one-on-one questions of the staff are open to the public and not in violation of California’s Brown Act, the state’s open meeting law. -db San Diego Union-Tribune September 2, 2010 By Ashly McGlone Chula Vista Elementary school board members have been gathering in the superintendent’s office before their public meetings, asking

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