donal brown

Court rules First Amendment umbrella extends to tattoo parlors

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that an anti-tattoo parlor law in Hermosa Beach near Los Angeles ran afoul of the First Amendment guarantee of free expression. The ruling stated that cities can attain their goal of protecting the public through regulating rather than banning. -db San Francisco Chronicle September 10, 2010 By Bob Egelko HERMOSA BEACH, LOS ANGELES COUNTY — To some, they’re body art. To others, they’re hazards to health, morals and

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Federal court rules military policy on gays violates First Amendment

A federal district jude ruled that the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy preventing gays from serving openly in the military violates both the First and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution. The judge also concluded the policy hurts unit cohesion and military readiness. -db CNN September 9, 2010 By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) — A federal court in Riverside, California, ruled Thursday that the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy — which bars gay men

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Twitter becoming powerful, pervasive news platform

Twitter is not only allowing journalists to broadcast news instantaneously to thousands of people but it also puts the means of publishing in anyone’s hands. -db GigaOM Commentary September 8, 2010 By Mathew Ingram There’s been plenty of debate lately about whether Twitter has become “mainstream” or not, but examples continue to pile up of how the social network/microblogging platform has worked its way into our lives, to the point where it has become a form

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New York Times publisher says newspaper will cease to be printed at some point

For the first time, the New York Times admitted that they will be forced to suspend its printed edition sometime in the future. -db Business Insider Commentary September 8, 2010 By Henry Blodget At a conference in London, Arthur Sulzberger Jr conceded that someday the New York Times Company will be forced to stop publishing a printed paper.* This sounds obvious, but it’s a big deal. The economics of the online news business will not

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Craigslist founder asked to testify before congressional committee on sex trafficking

A CNET commentator says that in an election year Craigslist had better brace themselves for a political onslaught on the issue of sex trafficking beginning with congressional hearings. -db CNET News Commentary September 9, 2010 By Declan McCullagh A year ago, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark was busy touting e-government, promoting neighborhood social networks, and blogging about squirrel-proofing his bird feeder. But now the 57-year-old entrepreneur is spending his days in more nerve-wracking pursuits: responding to

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