donal brown

Federal appeals court rejects student’s free speech claim over racial slur

Citing the likelihood of substantial disruption, the 2nd Circuit ruled that school authorities acted corrrectly in suspending a student for making a racial slur after a Hispanic student had died in a motorcycle accident. -db First Amendment Center Analysis October 20, 2010 By David L. Hudson Jr. East Hampton, N.Y., public school officials were entitled to qualified immunity for removing a student from school who allegedly made a racial slur that led to substantial disruptions

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Pasadena police review boards fall victim to conflict between transparency and privacy

Unable to resolve the conflict between police privacy rights mandated by the state and the requirements of California’s Brown Act, the state’s open meeting law, the Pasadena police chief suspended three police review boards. -db Pasadena Star-News October 20, 2010 By Brenda Gazzar PASADENA – Police Chief Phillip Sanchez suspended three police review panels after the city attorney said the boards can’t conform to both state open meeting rules and privacy laws that protect police

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Former Chinese leaders call for free speech

A Korean publication says China’s repressive political system is inconsistent with its free market economy and suggests that their leaders should heed the public letter from 23 elderly party members urging free speech and press and freedom of assembly. -db Korea JoongAng Daily Editorial October 18, 2010 Calls for China to release Liu Xiaobo, a dissident recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and allow greater freedom of speech are getting louder. A group of senior

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Commentator sees double standard in federal approach to prosecuting disclosures of classified information

Steven Aftergood of Secrecy News writes that in both the Bush and Obama presidencies leaks of classified information are tolerated so long as they originate from in-house sources rather than from administration critics. -db Secrecy News Commentary October 19, 2010 By Steven Aftergood It seems that some disclosures of classified information can lead a person to poverty, ignominy and a jail sentence, while others provide a royal road to fame and fortune. Some leaks are

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ACLU report affirms ‘net neutrality’ as key free speech issue of our time

A report by the American Civil Liberties Union urges the Federal Communications Commission to act aggressively to prevent powerful companies from exploiting the Internet for commercial gain and compromising the Internet as a free speech forum. -db American Civil Liberties Union Press Release October 19, 2010 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Protecting the Internet against content discrimination by broadband carriers is crucial to protecting First Amendment rights in the age of modern technology, the American Civil Liberties

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