donal brown

Electronic Frontier Foundation suing Righthaven over copyright

EFF is representing the proprietor of, a site that tracks unsolved murder cases, in a copyright suit brought by Righthaven after the site ran a Las Vegas Review-Journal story about a Nevada murder case. -db Wired November 1, 2010 By David Kravets Copyright troll Righthaven is facing its second lawsuit from digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is representing a former federal prosecutor who tracks mysterious murder cases on his website. Thomas DiBiase

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Newspaper industry pushing for greater access and openness to California’s courts

The California Newspaper Publishers Association has joined with the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times Co. and the Association Press to endorse reforms favorable to the media in a draft from the state Bench-Bar-Media Committee. -db California Newspaper Publishers Association November 1, 2010 The newspaper industry has filed comments with the Judicial Council on the draft report of the statewide Bench-Bar-Media (BBM) Committee. The BBM Committee, created by Chief Justice Ronald M. George at

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Greater transparency to federal spending on intelligence

Secrecy News’ Steven Aftergood says the Obama administration has abandoned tired old arguments against disclosure in revealing the total intelligence budget for 2010. -db Secrecy News Commentary November 1, 2010 By Steven Aftergood With last week’s disclosure of the total intelligence budget for 2010, including budget figures for the National Intelligence Program ($53.1 billion) and the Military Intelligence Program ($27 billion), the Obama Administration has provided a new degree of transparency on intelligence spending. The

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Minnesota: Federal judge kicks tea party garb out of polling places

A federal judge ruled that tea party followers could not wear tea party garb or buttons supporting a voter ID law when they went to the polls in Minnesota. -db Pioneer Press November 1, 2010 By Jason Hoppin A federal judge on Monday blocked an effort to allow conservative activists to wear “tea party” garb and buttons supporting a voter ID law into polling places on Election Day. Officials in Hennepin and Ramsey counties, the state’s

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Court costs in student press freedom case mount over 13 years of litigation

The College of Staten Island  prolonged litigation over a free press issue and although students only won a $9 judgment, court costs charged to the college could total over $750,000. -db FIRE Commentary October 28, 2010 By Azhar Majeed Over at the Student Press Law Center (SPLC), Adam Goldstein writes about Husain v. Springer, in which students at the College of Staten Island in New York sued the college president after she canceled a student

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