donal brown

Federal appeals court rejects pleas for anonymity in school admissions suit

A federal appeals court voted not to rehear an appeal by juvenile plaintiffs bringing a civil rights lawsuit challenging the admissions policies of an Hawaii school. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press November 16, 2010 By Stephen Miller Two U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco (9th Cir.) judges voiced strong dissenting opinions in the court’s recent decision not to rehear an appeal made by juvenile plaintiffs who wished to proceed anonymously

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Federal judge denies Chicago police subpoena of reporter’s notes

A federal district judge blocked a subpoena for a reporter’s notes saying that the Chicago Police Department had not established the relevance of the notes in their work. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press November 17, 2010 By Daniel Skallman A federal judge in Seattle Friday quashed the third subpoena served on a reporter by lawyers representing the Chicago Police Department in a civil rights lawsuit, highlighting in her ruling the importance

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Police score direct hit with tear gas on students and journalists at neo-Nazi march

To open a parade route for neo-Nazi marchers, police used tear gas and pepper spray on protesters and journalists including Arizona State University students. -db Downtown Devil November 15, 2010 By Jack Fitzpatrick “Gas masks!” people shouted back and forth, relaying the message across a human wall and warning each other that the police, shields out and masks on, were prepared to use force. Protesters braced themselves, ready to sprint and retreat. Green and purple

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Open government advocate applauds official’s leak of U.S. post-war support of Nazis

Steven Aftergood of Secrecy News says that a comparison of the redacted report with the one released to the public shows that it was proper for an official to leak the complete text of the report showing that the U.S. gave Nazis safe haven after World War II. -db Secrecy News Opinion November 16, 2010 By Steven Aftergood In a revealing failure of Administration commitments to transparency, an official history of the U.S. government’s post-war

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Obama administration urges bypassing Freedom of Information Act to contact agencies directly

Obama administration officials are saying that obtaining government documents through the FOIA is necessarily a lengthy process and contacting government officials directly would yield better results. -db NextGov November 15, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein The White House’s open government leader said Americans should not bother filing requests for government documents under the Freedom of Information Act and instead should contact open government officials at agencies who can post or e-mail the materials faster. Beth Noveck,

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