donal brown

Supreme Court: Safety issues debated in Navy freedom of information case

The Supreme Court heard arguments in a case pitting the public’s right to know against national security concerns over potential terrorist acts. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press December 1, 2010 By Stephen Miller The delicate act of balancing the public’s right to know with national security in a time of terrorism was displayed on the floor of the U.S. Supreme Court in arguments held Wednesday morning. The case before the court,

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Wikileaks: Need seen for altering national security classification system

Secrecy News’ Steven Aftergood sees much to criticize about Wikileaks’ indiscriminate release of classified U.S. government documents but says the release highlights the need to reexamine classification policies. -db Secrecy News Commentary November 29, 2010 By Steven Aftergood The massive disclosure of a quarter million diplomatic records by Wikileaks this weekend underscores the precarious state of the U.S. national security classification system. The Wikileaks project seems to be, more than anything else, an assault on

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Arizona: Two retired judges sue ‘America’s Toughest Sheriff’ for defamation

Two retired Arizona judges are suing Sheriff Joe Arpaio and others for filing a racketeering lawsuit against them, later withdrawn, claiming the lawsuit defamed them. -db Courthouse News Service November 30, 2010 By Jamie Ross PHOENIX (CN) – Two retired judges have sued Sheriff Joe Arpaio, claiming “America’s Toughest Sheriff” filed a baseless racketeering lawsuit against them, recklessly defaming them with allegations of extortion, conspiring to commit bribery and other crimes. The judges say Arpaio

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Justice Department lawyers fail to get names of experts in National Security Agency leak case

A federal judge denied a request by government prosecutors in a case against an accused leaker at the National Security Agency. The prosecutors were attempting to obtain the identities of two expert witnesses who could be called by the defense. -db The Washington Post November 29, 2010 By Ellen Nakashima Prosecutors failed Monday to persuade a federal judge in Baltimore to order the disclosure of the names of two expert witnesses who might be called

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American Canyon: Resident looks for legal redress after she was silenced at city council meeting

An American Canyon resident is examining her options after the mayor denied her the right to speak during public comment time at the last city council meeting. The mayor claimed the resident was making personal attacks in criticizing the winners in the last election of “childish behavior” on election night. -db Times-Herald November 30, 2010 By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen AMERICAN CANYON, Calif. — Marianne Young says she’s exploring legal options after being shut down by the

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