donal brown

Help for investigative journalists over legal issues

The Online Media Legal Network (OMLN) is collaborating with an association of investigative reporters, the Investigative News Network (INN) to provide pro bono and low-cost legal help. INN members will have access to  the services of over 100 law firms and law school clinics with lawyers specializing in media law, intellectual property law and business advising. “Investigative and public service journalism is under threat, not just from declining revenue streams but also from government and

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Alternatives emerged after Egyptian government shut down Internet

During the Internet shutdown from January 28 to February 2, news continued to flow through the work of dedicated citizens determined to thwart the attempts at censorship. As Eva Galperin of the Electronic Frontier Foundation said: “For example, France Data Network (FDN) and Telecomix News Agency responded by providing dial-up access to Egyptians during the Internet blackout. In a press release, FDN characterized the blackout as an “open attack from a state against the Internet”

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U.S. government develops way to evade web censorship

Using new technology, the U.S. government recently conducted tests in Chinese cities transmitting feeds from outlets currently censored by the Chinese government including Voice of America and China Weekly. Instead of sending text-only e-mails, the new technology “decompresses and decodes messages and presents the data in the form of RSS feeds, downloaded files, and applications, or in the form of a proxy server address.” -db From InformationWeek , February 7, 2011 by Elizabeth Montalbano. Full

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Former conservative talk show host sues for solitary confinement in federal prison

A former conservative radio talk show host sentenced to four years in federal prison for laundering drug money is suing the U.S. government. He claims he was put into solitary without due process, learning incidentally that he was punished for unauthorized contact with the media. While in prison, the man wrote a letter to a publication asking to write a column after his release. He also claimed the prison authorities were retaliating against him for

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Democrats challenge new FOIA oversight intended to increase transparency

To enforce transparency, Darrell Issa (R- Ca), the new chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, asked a number of government agencies to submit records of Freedom of Information Act requests over the last five years. But House Democrats said the request would take too many hours of agency time, making it even  more difficult to honor current FOIA requests. They also said that the move would chill the public’s inclination to make

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