donal brown

California: Open meeting violation charged in San Juan Capistrano school’s rescinding pay cuts

A school district watchdog alleged that the San Juan Capistrano Unified School District violated California’s open meeting law in reversing pay cuts to all employees without public input. Peter Scheer, executive director of the First Amendment Coalition, said the district trustees should redress the error by scheduling a hearing so the public can comment before taking a revote. While saying that he thought the trustees had not erred, the superintendent of schools said he would

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Free speech: Ex-cheerleader asks U.S. Supreme Court to rule on right to refuse to cheer

A ex-cheerleader punished for refusing to cheer for a basketball player who allegedly sexually attacked her is taking her case to the U.S. Supreme Court. A federal appeals court ruled that it was disruptive to the school for her to abandon her duties to cheer when she voluntarily agreed to the job. The ex-cheerleader is arguing that silence was not disruptive, and there was no legitimate educational purpose in forcing her to cheer for her

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Federal court rules students can wear ‘Be Happy, Not Gay’ T-shirts

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that students had the right to wear “Be Happy, Not Gay” T-shirts. A student at Neuqua Valley High School of the Indian Prairie School District wore the T-shirt a day after the school allowed a “Day of Silence” to protest LGBT harassment. “A school that permits advocacy of the rights of homosexual students cannot be allowed to stifle criticism of homosexuality,” Judge Richard Posner wrote for a unanimous

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Fox News claims reporter ‘punched’ by protester in Wisconsin bogus

Videos from the Wisconsin protests show that a reporter who claimed a protester “punched” him was instead merely touched with no more force than a pat. Protesters have treated Fox News inhospitably. When Fox sets up the cameras for a live shot, protesters crowd around chanting “Fox News lies.” -db From a commentry in The Raw Story, March 1, 2011, by Stephen C. Webster. Full Story

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Obama administration hostile to whistleblowers

Jesselyn Radack writes in the Daily Kos that the Obama administration has initiated a number of prosecutions of whistleblowers with the Espionage Act as its “weapon of choice.” “The Obama administration has been consistently escalating its war on whistleblowers despite non-stop criticism from the whistleblowing community, First Amendment advocates, and journalists,” writes Radack. -db From a commentary in the Daily Kos, March 1, 2011, by Jesselyn Radack. Full Story

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