donal brown

California: Opposition to project in La Jolla say allegations of planning commission open meeting violation groundless

Developers who want a three-story project in La Jolla Shores say the La Jolla Community Planning Association violated the Brown Act, California’s open meeting law. The association approved the project but the president appealed the vote to the City Council, a move that the developers said should have been done by the full commission and therefore a Brown Act violation. Opponents want the developers to reduce the size of the project to make it compatible

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Open government: Whistleblowers win challenge to law protecting them

The Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has upheld the False Claims Act (FCA) that allows whistleblowers to bring claims for the government to recover damages for fraud committed by government contractors. The American Civil Liberties Union, OMB Watch and the Government Accountability Project sued under the First Amendment and the public’s right to know to challenge the “seal” provision in the act that allows employees to file claims without exposing their identities to their

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First Amendment: Michigan brewery sues liquor commission for banning ‘Raging Bitch’ beer

The Flying Dog Brewery has challenged the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for banning their best-selling beer, Raging Bitch. The commission objected to the beer’s label. Flying Dog CEO Jim Caruso said there was a larger principle at stake, “It’s about regulators gradually morphing into self-appointed thought police. We believe not only in freedom of speech and artistic expression for both businesses and individuals, but also in the individual’s fundamental right to choose or reject books,

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San Francisco police deny press passes to certain media outlets

The San Francisco Police Department has denied press passes to six news outlets on the grounds that the outlets are not regularly covering police and fire news. The police are also concerned that the passes have been used for entry to concerts and mayoral events. The owner of the San Francisco Sentinel, one of the six outlets, complained that although the police said they had covered no police news in the last year, he found

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Liberal group shifts from monitoring press and TV to concentrate on disrupting Fox News Channel

The liberal group Media Matters is gearing itself to concentrate solely on what its founder, David Brock, says is a campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” on the Fox News Channel. They will continue to collect embarrassing clips from Fox News and rebut Fox talking points while expanding the battlefield. Media Matters plans to convince advertisers to abandon Glenn Beck’s show, file lawsuits for defamation and invasion of privacy, investigate Fox executives and publish a

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