donal brown

U.S. Supreme Court denies review for cheerleader who refused to cheer for assailant

The ex-Texas high school cheerleader, dismissed from the cheerleader squad for refusing to cheer for the basketball player who she said raped her, lost her bid for a U.S. Supreme Court hearing. A federal appeals court had ruled she was rooting for the school, not for herself, so could not remain silent while on the job. The federal courts have also ordered the cheerleader’s family to pay the school district’s legal fees of $45,000 for

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College students trample free speech zones in celebrating death of Osama bin Laden

College students at Iowa State and Penn State fervently celebrated Osana bin Laden’s death on Sunday night, ignoring their school’s ban on spontaneous demonstrations. In each case, the police made no moves to halt the festivities. Writing for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Adam Kissel questions the constitutionality of the colleges’ free speech zones, “While it is good that Penn State and Iowa State did not employ their policies to shut down last

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Illinois federal judge rules for free speech in refusing to dismiss lawsuit against police officer

An Illinois woman claimed that a police officer made offensive statements to her and gave her two tickets in retaliation for her complaint that the officer failed to act on information she gave to him about her ex-husband who she said drove their child without a car seat and did not have a driver’s license or insurance. She sued the village and the officer on the grounds that her complaint to the police department was

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White House denies threats against San Francisco Chronicle

After the San Francisco Chronicle posted a video of a protest at a San Francisco fundraiser for President Barack Obama last week, the White House claimed that the Chronicle reporter violated the rules for pool reporters who are limited to print. The Chronicle reported that the White House ordered their reporter removed from the pool reporting team and threatened retaliation if the Chronicle reported the ban. The White House denied making any such threats. The

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Actress Katie Holmes wins settlement in defamation suit

Star magazine is publishing an apology in its current issue for suggesting that actress Katie Holmes was a drug addict. It also said it made a substantial donation to a nonprofit dance foundation, one of  the actress’ favorite charities. Holmes was suing for $50 million in damages but the financial terms of the settlement were not disclosed. -db From Reuters, April 27, 2011, reporting by Jill Serjeant. Full story

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