donal brown

New guide published to help journalists in covering whistleblower stories

A new guide helps journalists work with whistleblowers. The guide, Working with Whistleblowers: A Guide for Journalists reviews laws concerning whistleblowers, examines the difference between leaking and whistleblowing and shows ways for journalists to develop trust with their sources.  (Columbia Journalism Review, December 14, 2017, by Via Pixabay) Transparency International November, 2017 emphasizes the importance of transparency in preserving the rule of law and protecting human rights arguing that reprisals against whistleblowers is a form

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Federal court orders FBI to cough up documents on use of fake journalists

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals found the FBI erred in not searching thoroughly for documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) related to its practice of using agents to post as journalists to snare criminals. (Courthouse News Service, December 18, 2017, by Eva Fedderly) The case arose from a 2014 report by the Seattle Times that the FBI impersonated an Associated Press reporter to submit a fake news article booby-trapped with surveillance

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Right to protest: Judge dismisses some of charges against Inauguration Day protesters

A District of Columbia judge dismissed the most serious charges of felony rioting in the trial of six people arrested during protests on Inauguration Day last January. The judge found no evidence that the six incited others to destroy property. Among those who had these charges dismissed was photojournalist Alexei Wood who brought a medical kit to the protests and was filmed washing out the eyes of people suffering from pepper spray. (Vice News, December

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Vote to end net neutrality sullied by fake comments during public comment

From the public comment period, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman found at least two million fake comments using real people’s names in support of FCC chair Ajit Pai and his campaign to end net neutrality. Pai showed no interest in acknowledging the scam and cited privacy concerns in refusing to summit evidence of the fraud to the attorney general. (techdirt, December 14, 2017, by Timothy Geigner) The Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 on Dec.

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Pharmaceutical industry mounts federal court challenge to California drug price transparency law

The pharmaceutical industry is suing California over its new drug price transparency law. It claims the law is unconstitutional and holds the industry solely responsible for escalating drug prices when many others play a significant role in the pricing. (San Jose Mercury News, December 8, 2017, by Tracy Seipel) The drug industry argues in their lawsuit that in requiring drug manufacturers to justify price rises, the law compels speech in violation of the First Amendment.

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