donal brown

Former Trump staffer sues for right to publish inside account of White House

Former White House aide Cliff Sims is suing President Donald Trump for his attempts to invoke a nondisclosure agreement and possible damages for Sims’ publication of “Team of Vipers,” an account exposing Trump’s disfunctional administration. Sims signed a nondisclosure agreement as a member of Trump’s 2016 campaign staff but could not remember signing one for his White House job. Sims claimed that the demand for secret arbitration constituted state action to violate his First Amendment

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Trump misses Congress-imposed deadline on Khashoggi killing

Invoking separation of powers and executive privilege, President Donald Trump defied a bipartisan request from a group of senators to identify who was responsible for the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi and consider retribution by way of sanctions. The administration said they were continuing to investigate the killing and consult with Congress. (Politico, February 8, 2019, by Rebecca Morin with contributions by Ben Schreckinger) The Trump administration is pressuring the Saudi Arabia government

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Armed Services Committee chair critical of Pentagon’s failure to explain why new troops going to border

The House Armed Services Committee chair requested full transparency on plans to send more U.S. troops to the southern border. Rep. Adam Smith of Washington was unhappy with the Pentagon’s answers to questions about the troops already there and any increase in troop levels. (The Hill, January 31, 2019, by Ellen Mitchell) Smith criticized acting Secretary of Defense Pat Shanahan for his failure to provide full transparency during a hearing especially on the number of

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Supreme Court’s Clarence Thomas attacks Times v. Sullivan in court opinion

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas took the occasion of a defamation case against comedian Bill Cosby to call for a revisit of  the key free press decision, New York Times v. Sullivan. Thomas may be reacting to President Donald Trump’s assaults on the press or to recent press coverage of the Anita Hill incident. Law professor Steve Vladeck, NBC, February 20, 2019, writes that Trump’s criticism of the press is making strides since Thomas’s opinion will

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Republicans stand against transparency for Trump taxes

February 12, 2019 by donal brown Republicans are arguing that if the House Ways and Means committee succeeds in obtaining President Donald Trump’s tax records, it could lead to demands for the release of  tax records for members of Congress, political donors, etc. Eric Levitz in New York Magazine, February 8, 2019, argues that much public good can be derived from making the tax records of all Americans public. “Beyond exposing conflicts of interest,” write Levitz,  “making all

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