donal brown

Stars and Stripes jeopardized by Trump decision

President Donald Trump backed off his decision to eliminate Stars and Stripes, the armed forces newspaper, most likely to improve his standing with the military in the wake of The Atlantic article that provided details of Trump’s history of denigrating service members. Trump gave no reason for his decision to scuttle the newspaper. (USATODAY, September 4, 2020, by John Fritze) Trump rescinded the shutdown order saying the Stars and Stripes was “a wonderful source of

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Universities balance privacy with need for transparency on virus

University administrations are citing privacy concerns in blocking attempts to cite numbers of Covid-19 infections on campus. Their efforts rest on two federal laws: FERPA, protecting the privacy of students’ educational records, and HIPAA, a health privacy rule. But experts say that the universities could publish numbers of cases school-wide without comprising the privacy of individuals. (The Washington Post, September 2, 2020, by Meryl Kornfield) The U.S. Department of Education guidelines for FERPA published in

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Election 2020: Social media grappling with phony info on platforms

Twitter and Facebook announced that Russians are interfering with the 2020 presidential election by setting up a network of fake accounts and a website looking like a left-leaning news outlet. The two companies are under pressure to confront the problem after failing to act in a timely fashion in 2016. (The New York Times, September 1, 2020, by Sheera Frenkel and Julian E. Barnes) In an attempt to preempt false information affecting the election, Facebook

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Palin gets trial in defamation suit against New York Times

A federal judge ruled that former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin earned a trial in submitting enough evidence of actual malice in an editorial on gun violence in The New York Times. Palin did fail in her attempt to overturn the actual malice standard. (The Hollywood Reporter, August 28,2020, by Eriq Gardner) The Times admitted to a mistake in the editorial but held that it was not published with reckless disregard for the truth. The

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California state legislature votes to save struggling newspapers

The California legislature threw the state’s newspapers a bone as it delayed for a year the new labor law requiring them to convert contract carriers to employees. Legislators were concerned that if the law were implemented immediately, it would be a death knell for the state’s ethnic media. (Courthouse News Service, August 31, 2020, by Nick Cahill and Martin Macias Jr.) For earlier FAC coverage, click here and here.

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