donal brown

California: Transparency missing in shifting vaccines to Blue Shield

Governor Gavin Newsom’s administration suddenly hired Blue Shield to distribute Covid-19 vaccines without explanation or public input. The public has no idea why this decision was made or the details of the agreement including the cost to the taxpayer. (San Francisco Chronicle, January 29, 2021, by Alexei Koseff) The Mercury News editorial boards criticized Newsom for the state’s lack of transparency in the Blue Shield decision and other issues including the ICU hospital bed capacity

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Yale professor addresses Trump’s use of the Big Lie

Yale history professor Timothy Snyder, The New York Times Magazine, January 9, 2021, provides the analysis, context and details of former president Donald Trump’s use of the Big Lie to radicalize a large segment of the public that resulted in the January 6 insurrection. With the acquiescence of Republican members of Congress Trump established himself as the only reliable source of truth. Everyone else lies. His coup failed for lack of military support, but the

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Sparks of hope for local news

In the face of scores of local newspaper shutdowns, nonprofit local initiatives are prospering. Report for America, providing journalists for local newsrooms to report on under-covered issues and communities, is one of the finalists for a MacArthur award of $100,000. The non-profit ProPublica established affiliates in Illinois and Texas and worked with local newspapers on various projects, last year helping the Anchorage Daily News win a Pulitzer. (Poynter, January 26, 2021, by Rick Edmonds) The

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Is government regulation of social media viable?

Legal scholar Cass R. Sunstein, Asharq Al-Awsat, January 17, 2021, argues that the government can help regulate the social media without censorship. He notes that under the First Amendment there is speech that is not protected, lies and false information that cause serious harm. He suggests that warnings could be attached to lies, “This statement is FALSE.” Governments might consider building on existing approaches, says Sunstein, perhaps by enacting into law the best social media

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California balks at revealing key data behind lock down decisions

Despite pledges of transparency about the virus, California Governor Gavin Newsom is withholding key information behind decisions to close or open businesses. Health officials say the information is too complex and if released would only confuse and mislead the public. (Associated Press, January 22, 2021, by Don Thompson) Republicans are already protesting. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA) said about the decision, “Not only does this logically not make sense, it suggests Newsom doesn’t think

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