donal brown

California open government roundup: Appeals court allows Covid-19 data coverup

San Diego public health officials convinced a California appeals court to rule that it was in the public interest to withhold release of the specific locations of Covid-19 outbreaks, a ruling that alarmed open government advocates. (Voice of San Diego, August 3, 2021, by Jesse Marx) In pursuit of its right to public records, ABC10 is suing the California Public Utilities Commission for messages between Governor Gavin Newson and PG&E at a time of the

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Opposing views: The First Amendment and Big Tech censorship

Policy analyst Clare Morrel and constitutional law professor Philip Hamburger, Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2021, argue that Big Tech censorship is in need of regulation. “A statute limiting the ability of a Big Tech company to express its own views,” they write, “would almost certainly be unconstitutional. What about a law limiting viewpoint discrimination where the companies serve as a publicly accessible conduit for the speech of others?” Mike Masnick of techdirt, August 4,

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Social media culpable in ignoring antisemitic posts

The Center for Countering Digital Hate reported that 84 percent of antisemitic content endured online even though users had flagged them. (The Hill, August 2, 2021, by Alexandra Kelley) Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and TikTok had the capacity to act but choose not to. The companies did not take action on 89 percent of the antisemitic conspiracy theories, 80 percent of posts denying the Holocaust and 70 percent of the posts with neo-Nazi and white

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Local media travails in covering pandemic

Local reporters say they have encountered backlash in covering the surge. Many don’t want to hear the numbers are up and make their feelings known. (CNN Business, August 2, 2021) Local news outlets are giving play to the opinions of notorious purveyors of Covid-19 information, most prominent Dr. Joseph Mercola, who peddles the falsehood that the vaccines are like gene therapy and useless. Scores of local newspapers and TV and radio stations have provide platforms

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Attacks on ‘critical race theory’ hit free speech rights

Emeritus English and history professor Harvey J. Graff, Inside Higher Education, August 2, 2021, casts the conservative attack on critical race theory as racist, based on falsehoods and a threat to free speech rights of students and teachers. Contrary to their claims, there is no evidence that current teaching about race teaches white youth to hate America and see themselves as racist. “A firm grounding in an accurate and complete American history,” writes Graff, “is

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