donal brown

Supreme Court passes on chance to reaffirm right to mass protest

The U.S. Supreme Court passed up an opportunity to safeguard the right to protest in refusing to decide if a demonstration leader could be sued for injury to a law enforcement officer perpetrated by a member of the protest. A police officer hit in the head by a rock or piece of concrete sued Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson claiming he was liable for “the reasonably foreseeable consequences of [his] one’s own negligent, illegal

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CalMatters boosts transparency giving public and journalists access to state issues

To fight the lack of transparency in California state government, CalMatters is establishing Digital Democracy: a database with information on state issues; a website to view state agendas and get information about state legislators, their activities, politics, policy interests. campaign finances and personal backgrounds; and a smart AI tool that can search data and provide ideas for journalists. (CalMatters, April 9, 2024, by Sonya Quick) For related FAC coverage, click here.

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Journalism professor questions Callifornia Journalism Preservation Act

Jeff Jarvis in NiemanLab, April 10. 2024, writes that the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA) is intended to limit fair use and strengthen copyright to support the newspaper industry. Internet platforms like Google and Meta would be forced to negotiate with news publishers and go to arbitration for the right to link to and quote headlines. Google and Meta would be required to pay based on the number of links. Jarvis thinks the CJPA ignores

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Berkeley law school dean schools students on First Amendment protest

The UC Berkeley law school dean Erwin Chemerinsky says that a protest staged at his home during a law student dinner was not within the bounds of First Amendment protection. “No one has the right to come into my house, or yours, and disrupt a dinner,” said Chemerinsky. The Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine mounted the protest. (ABA Journal, April 11, 2024, by Debra Cassens Weiss) In his commentary on the incident, Josh

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Arrests of journalists prevent coverage of protests

Caitlin Vogus of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, April 2, 2024, reports that already in 2024, there has been four arrests or detentions of journalists covering protests. Police are still routinely detaining journalists in spite of successful lawsuits against law enforcement. But even if the journalists ultimately prevail in court, they are still prevented from covering protests to provide the public with knowledge of important events. When students staged a sit-in at Vanderbilt University

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