Some gains for free speech in recent Supreme Court term

Grayson Clary, of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, July 26, 2023, writes that with the U.S. Supreme Court docket this year, the First Amendment “gained important ground.” Clary cited the decision in Counterman v. Colorado making it more difficult to bring meritless harassment allegations against journalists. And Twitter v. Taamneh and United States v. Hansen clarified that the justices will consider the First Amendment rights of reporters in interpreting aiding-and-abetting liability. Other cases brought no gains as in Gonzalez v. Google the justices dodged the chance to bolster Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act. In the compelled speech case, 303 Creative v. Elenis, the justices are left to ponder if states like Texas and Florida can require the social media to carry messages they don’t like.

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