Montebello: Advocate asks for redress of violation of open meeting laws

Vice-president of Californians Aware Richard McKee demanded that Montebello correct alleged violations to open meeting laws for meeting in close session to negotiate employee issues. -db

Pasadena Star-News
November 24, 2010

MONTEBELLO, Calif. – Richard McKee, vice president of open government compliance for advocacy group Californians Aware, demanded on Wednesday the Council correct violations of the Ralph M. Brown Act, which regulates government transparency.

The City Council improperly met behind closed doors about negotiations with “unrepresented employees” and reassigning police officers to patrol, violating the Brown Act, according to McKee.

McKee demanded a response from the city by Dec. 10 acknowledging a Brown Act violation occurred and committing not to repeat the transgression.

“Failure to respond as demanded will demonstrate that an actual and present controversy exists between us as to the public’s rights and the City’s responsibilities under the Brown Act,” McKee wrote.

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