Neo-Nazis use threats to cloak violence against vulnerable members of society

Investigating neo-Nazi group 2119 for attacking Jews, Blacks, LGBTQ+ people demonstrated the perils of reporting on violent groups for reporter Jordan Green. Green received the expected online harassment and death threats but also a visit to his home of six white supremacists holding traffic flares and making Nazi salutes. A sign warned him of “consequences.” (Raw Story, February 20. 2024, by Jordan Green)

Another sign read “Freedom of press does not equal freedom from consequences.” There have been at least two other reports recently of neo-Nazi groups harassing and threatening reporters. Raw Story chief editor Dave Levinthal said, “This has been an incredible ordeal for Jordan, and unfortunately it’s emblematic of what many reporters across the United States have had to deal with in pursuing journalism in the public interest.” (The Washington Post, February 20. 2024, by Will Sommer)

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