Fact-checking takes on new urgency

With the world awash in lies, fact-checking projects have increased dramatically from 168 in 2016 to 391 in 2021. Leader of the International Fact-Checking Network, Baybars Orsek, noted the importance of fact-checking, “Our collective trust in reliable and authoritative information is being attacked by people in power. Their manipulation of truth makes people vulnerable to bad actors capitalizing on their lack of access to quality information for their own benefits. Autocratic governments and strongmen around the world are following similar playbooks to censor free speech and dissent under the name of fighting against ‘fake news.'” (The Washington Post, June 29, 2022, by Glenn Kessler)

The Berkeley Library at UC Berkeley listed some of the most prominent fact-checker sources in the U.S. including Politifact, FaceCheck.org, FlackCheck, OpenSecrets.org. Fact Check (Washington Post) and Snopes. (Berkeley Library, May 19, 2022)

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