Transparency: Congressional Democrats blocked from U.S. postal facilities

The U.S. Postal Service is refusing to allow Democrats in Congress to inspect postal facilities before the November election. At least five lawmakers around the country were denied access and given inconsistent reasons for the denial, but the Postal Service had earlier cited the Hatch Act forbidding federal employees from engaging in political activity. The Postal Service said they had arranged for 60 congressional visits since June and were committed to transparency. (NBC News, October 20, 2020, by Phil McCausland)

The Postal Service denied access to a New Jersey congressional delegation at the end of September citing the Hatch Act. Congressional Democrats want to tour postal facilities in light of new Postmaster General Louis De Joy’s actions to weaken postal service putting delivery of election mail in jeopardy. (Forbes, October 6, 2020, by Alison Durkee)