American flag ban at University of California at Irvine vetoed

A move to ban the U.S. and other flags from the UC Irvine Campus was thwarted by the university’s executive cabinet. The student body government voted in the ban on the grounds that the America flag represented “colonialism and imperialism.” (Front Page Mag, March 8, 2015, by Daniel Greenfield)

The student body vote to ban the American flag was limited to the lobby of the student government offices. The author of the resolution argued that the flag was offensive hate speech in an small enclosed area that needed to be inclusive and welcoming of free speech. (Inquisitr, March 7, 2015)

Robby Soave in Reason, March 9, 2015, writes that it is “a little silly” to think of the flag as representing “militaristic nationalism” and a stretch to think anyone with healthy in mind particularly undocumented students would be set off by the sight of the flag.