CNN makes historic pact with FAA over news-gathering drones

CNN and the Federal Aviation Administration reached an agreement about the use of drones, opening the way for the FAA to develop rules for their safe operation for news gathering. CNN is giving its research on the topic to the FAA. (The Wrap, January 12, 2015, by Jordan Charlton)

CNN joined with Georgia Institute of Technology to develop safe ways to operate drones as the media mounted pressure on the FAA, arguing that the FAA was abridging the First Amendment by grounding news-gathering drones. (The Verge, January 12, 2015, by Chris Welch)

CNN will now test drones to cover the news when previously they could only be used to fly into dangerous areas to broadcast the news. The FAA restricted drone use as there are no drone pilot licenses. In October 41 pilots reported seeing drones. (CNN Money, January 12, 2015, by David Goldman)

Joshua Benton for the Nieman Lab, January 13, 2015, writes to caution that expectations are running ahead of the agreement and not to expect CNN drone news sooner than later.