Conservative radio host sued for defamation in aftermath of Boston Marathon bombings

Glenn Beck, the conservative radio host, has been sued by a Saudi Arabian student for defamation in remarks Beck made on air after the Boston Marathon bombings last year. Beck claimed that the student was the “money man” behind the attacks even though the FBI had cleared him of involvement except that he was one of those injured. (The Washington Post, April 1, 2014, by Terrence McCoy)

The lawyers for the student, Abdulrahman Alharbi, said his client suffered substantial and severe damage to his reputation after his name was circulated on the Internet as a terrorist. He was also flooded with hate messages and accused of murdering a child. (Boston Magazine, March 31, 2014, by Steve Annear)

Beck based his accusations on the false information that Alharbi was set for deportation for terrorist activities under section 212 3B. (Right Wing Watch, March 31, 2014, by Kyle Mantyla)