White House promises more access for photo journalists

The Obama administration said it would work with news photographers to allow greater opportunities to photograph the president in his public appearances. The agreement came after White House reporters yelled at Press Secretary Jay Carney on December 12 in protest of the increasing limits placed on the reporters. (Broadcasting & Cable, December 18, 2013, by John Eggerton)

Mike Davis, a former White House picture editor in the second Bush administration, Time, December 12, 2013, wrote that presidential administrations always limited photo ops to the president and “bristle[s] at calling White House-made photos propaganda.” He also didn’t think that there was a progression in restrictions. But he wrote, “For now, we’re largely limited to seeing a flow of pictures from the White House to social media. In the future, if we are to see the life of the White House beyond the antiseptic version, it has to come from the media.”