Press wins victory in quashing subpoena for confidential source in Colorado shooting story

A Fox News reporter won a ruling in a New York Court of Appeals quashing a subpoena served on her in pursuit of her source for a story on James Holmes, the suspect in the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting. Holmes’ defense team had issued the the subpoena which had to be served in New York where the reporter lives. The court cited New York law as one of the strongest in the nation and world in protecting the press and refused to enforce the subpoena. (Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, December 10, 2013, by Gregg Leslie)

Fox News CEO Roger Ailes said about the ruling, “Today’s ruling is a major win for all journalists.”The protection of Jana Winter’s confidential sources was necessary for the survival of journalism and democracy as a whole. We are very grateful that the highest court in New York State agreed with our position.” (BuzzFeed, December 10, 2013, by Hunter Schwarz)