Supreme Court looks askance at federal election spending limits

With some justices warning that the wealthy can corrupt the political system and others citing the First Amendment, the Supreme Court seemed poised to rule 5-4 to strike down federal election campaign spending limits during the hearing on McCutcheon v. FEC.  Federal law now limits individual giving to $123,200 over a two-year election cycle. (McClatchyDC, October 8, 2013, by Michael Doyle)

Commentator Dahlia Lithwick blasted the court majority under the headline “Poor Little Rich Guys  Supreme Court clamors to protect the right of Richie Rich, Scrooge McDuck, and the Koch brothers to further corrupt American politics.” (Slate, October 8, 2013, by Dahlia Lithwick)

Commentator Jacob Sullum, Let Money Talk,” finds the spending limits arbitrary and inconsistent given the obvious illegality of limiting spending by newspapers. He said the limits also hurt challengers who under present circumstances have difficulty winning elections against incumbents. (Reason, October 9, 2013, by Jacob Sullum)