Minnesota activist prevails in suit over public sidewalk chalking

Minneapolis settled an ACLU lawsuit on behalf of an activist handcuffed and given a trespass order barring her from the property for chalking an anti-war slogan on a sidewalk in front of the Federal Building in 2011. The city settled for $5000 which went to the ACLU to cover costs of litigation. (Minneapolis Star Tribune, October 10, 2013, by Randy Furst)

The activist Melissa Hill filed two previous suits against law enforcement, one for writing slogans in chalk during an Occupy Minnesota protest. In that case as part of the settlement in 2012, she was awarded $12,000 and agreed not to deface county property again. (Twin Cities Pioneer Press, October 8, 2013, by David Hanners)

Part of the settlement requires the police department, the Federal Protective Service and a private security firm to adopt new policies and train its employees on First Amendment rights. (The Journal, October 8, 2013, by Ben Johnson)