Journalists covering national security face challenge of government hostility

Journalists are taking care to protect their government sources on national security issues from detection by avoiding phone calls and e-mails and electing instead to arrange secret face-to-face meetings reminiscent of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s conversations with “Deep Throat” in an underground parking garage. (The Washington Post, October 4, 2013, by Leonard Downie Jr.)

The Centre for Research on Globalization asserts that the Obama administration is the harshest on journalists of any previous administration. They accuse the administration of waging war on journalists and maintaining  the most secretive administration in U.S. history. (Global Research, October 7, 2013, by Washington’s Blog)

Writing for the Medill National Security Zone,  Frank Smyth says that journalists must put in the time and effort to make their work impenetrable to cyber-attacks. He presents an introductory guide to help journalists gear up.